Our advocates’ experiences, ideas, thoughts, observations, and opinions…on the record.

Yes, You Can Overcome Your Public Speaking Fears!

I am in my first week of Trial Advocacy, and this Professor keeps repeating that I should “look good.” The way to do that is to know the story inside out, and to present it in a convincing way. To practice, he gave us the infamous State v. Alexander case. The first...

Cadence is Key

Introduction One of the first people I met in Law School was Colt Watkiss. Colt and I have talked at length about our undergraduate majors. We both felt that our majors would not serve us in our paths to becoming attorneys. Colt majored in theater, and I majored in...

Crafting an Argument with Strength in Numbers

The business of baseball is grounded in finding the best players to field teams and win championships. After those players complete their first three seasons of play, they are eligible to negotiate with clubs for a salary that is worth their performance, output, and...

The First Appearance: The 1L Moot Court Competition

Like many law students at Pace, I will never forget my experience with the 1L Moot Court Competition. In some ways, it was memorable for less savory reasons due to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic but nonetheless – still a law school memory. While I didn’t excel in...

The Calm Before the Storm: Pre-Trial Proficiency

Between the nerves dawning the night before the big day or the resilience that comes with hours of digesting witness testimony in hopes of impeaching the witness on cross examination, there is a lot of excitement that goes into preparing for trial. While preparation...

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78 N Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603

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