Jurors perform a crucial role in the American criminal justice system. Individuals accused of a crime rely upon jurors for the protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, often when someone gets a letter telling them that they have been...

Competing in the 2023 ABA Arbitration Competition

On November 18, 2023, Derek Romberg, Marc Bisogno, Steven Donofrio, and I (Colin Savino) competed on behalf of Haub Law Advocacy in the ABA Arbitration Competition regionals. We were coached by Kristen Mogavero. We thank her for all her time working with us to prepare...

Navigating through Imposter Syndrome as a Team Captain

With my previous successes, one would think I had overcome my fear of not being “good enough.”- that feeling of being an imposter. I should feel confident in being named the captain of  Haub Law’s team in the Wechsler First Amendment Moot Court Competition- right? But...